
Here are a few useful and sometimes necessary tools and documents related to our services.

Consumption expenditure calculation

Part of the planning is what you spend. We make visible separately what the returns (interest, profit, investment result) and costs (interest, repayment, premium) of your financial products are. With the tool below you can show what you spend on other things; you do not have to use the categories already filled in by us of course. The tool also gives you the opportunity to think carefully about whether, for how long and under what circumstances those expenses will remain that way. We use this outcome in our calculations of your financial future.

Government downloads

The UWV’s Insurance Report is a digitally usable, certified overview of wages and employment history. Instructions (in Dutch, Google’s Chrome browser gives the possibility to translate the site for you) on how to download can be found here. Please send the file (if applicable for both partners) to your advisor at Your Financials.

The VIA (short for Voorlopig Ingevulde Aangifte) is the provisionally pre-filled tax return by the Tax Authorities. It includes:

  • Your personal data and those of your partner and children not of age
  • Your salary, labor tax credit and withheld payroll tax
  • Pension and benefits
  • The tax (WOZ) value and address of your home
  • The details of any other properties in the Netherlands
  • Student finance and the period in which you study
  • Tax credits to which you are entitled
  • Mortgage details
  • The balance in your bank account
  • The value of your investments
  • Outstanding loans and debts

The VIA is particularly useful if not much has changed in terms of capitals since the end of last year with the income, the owner-occupied home and its financing, and with the capitals since the beginning of last year. You can find the VIA if you log in to My Tax Authorities under File a tax return. You can download the declaration in XML format. Please send the file received from you and, if applicable, from your partner to your advisor at Your Financials.

All your known pension details can be found on If you log in with your DIGID with your partner, you will receive a joint overview of accrued and accrued pension rights. Instructions on how to do that can be found in the explanation below in Dutch (Google’s Chrome browser gives the possibility to translate the site for you). Please send the received file in both pdf and in xml formats to your advisor at Your Financials.

Service Documentation

Below you will find generic information about our services. Our regulator requests us to provide information about our depth of service and price range in a format which enables you to compare service providers like us. For legal reasons the four documents prescribed by our regulator are in Dutch. Should you have trouble understanding some of these please let us know so we can give you its meaning in English.

Service Guide



Life risk management


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