A nice holiday home

Our client had a simple plan to finance the purchase of a beautiful, luxurious holiday home on the waterfront of one of our country’s famous lakes. In addition to using savings and part of their investments, repayments had created space between the mortgage...

The end of your mortgage loan

Your mortgage is one of the longest financial commitments you make. 30 years in most cases. Many people plan to make that obligation disappear completely by amortizing or repaying the loan. This is sometimes also “helped” by the disappearance of tax...

Interesting mortgage repairs

Striking last month were three different situations making sense to adjust the mortgage. Spaarhypotheek In two cases, it involved using the value in an interest rate sensitive insurance policy linked to the mortgage in order to reduce the debt. So-called...

Preparing for this year’s tax return

It is that time of the year again. If you have submitted a Dutch income tax return last year it is highly likely your invitation by the Tax Authorities to do it again has landed on your doorstep. For those who are first timers: it is not really an invitation. When you...